oakland cemetery
Case Study: 19th-Century historical gravestone walking tour.
Oakland Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio, is a beautifully manicured, 134-acre tract that is home to scores of finely crafted 19th-century gravestones and tomb markers.
To highlight the craftsmanship, history, location and beauty of the cemetery's most relevant and artistic gravestones dated between 1800 – 1899.
creative team
Design, Rendering, Photography & Historical Research: Tom Davie
walking tour map and history prints
This information visualization highlights the 165-year history of the cemetery and showcases detailed plot locations, dimensions and dates for several examples of exceptional 19th-Century stone craftsmanship.
walking tour
The proposed cemetery walking tour was developed to increase cemetery engagement, highlight the extensive history and encourage exercise and a healthy lifestyle. In a walking loop, the tour mapped and marked notable burial sites around the cemetery.
archival research
Historical research was conducted via the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center, Sandusky Recreation Department, The Sandusky Clarion and Register Archives, and Oakland Cemetery.